EIBT(Early Intensive Behavioral Treatment) is intended for children between the ages of 18 months and 6 years old who have a diagnosis of Autism or ASD (please contact us if you need more information on how this is done). Each child's program consists of 30-40 hours per week of direct instruction, using principles of applied behavior analysis, discrete trial teaching, natural environment teaching, pivotal response teaching, and generalization. The treatment model is team based and is comprised of a BCBA, behavior therapists, and the child's family. Each program is individualized to meet the child's needs and is based on behavior deficits and excesses. A typical program design will teach attending skills, imitation and play skills, communication skills, and functional skills such as toileting and getting dressed.
School Basedmodels are intended for school age children in school, and community settings, and are offered on a limited, case by case basis. Most programs will begin in the center setting, with generalization of mastered skills occurring across settings. These programs continue needed foundational skills in the areas of language, social, and self-help, as well as targeting any maladaptive behaviors that may be impeding the child's ability to function in any of the above mentioned environments. Behavior assistants are able to implement an individualized program in any of the needed settings.
STARS (S.ocial Skills T.raining and R.ecreational S.ervices) is accepting applications for families interested in social groups in the afternoon. This program will offer group social skills training, play dates and future recreational activities.
​While maintaining its roots in applied behavior analysis and the principles of learning theory, today's ABA is often play-based in more naturally contrived settings. In this way, children learn language skills in a functional and social manner, which is more likely to generalize to new settings and situations. For young children, this often means center-based therapy focusing on kindergarten readiness skills, with parent training to provide carryover during non-therapy times. For older children, this can mean services provided in schools and/or in the community, as well as at home, to ensure generalization and targeting of all necessary skills.
Play on Words currently accepts the following insurances:
Blue Cross/Blue Shield (New Directions)
Step up for Students/PLSA
United Healthcare/Optum
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